Udruženje poslodavaca BPK Goražde
Home About us Services for members

The Empoyers Association of BPK Gorazde has directed,  the largest part of its activities and services, towards the government and its bodies,in order to respond quickly in resolving issues that directly threaten the economic trends in the BPK Gorazde and BiH.

The Association insists to be involved in the monitoring, adoption and implementation of laws in the field of economy.

It is also working on the creation of business conditions in which the private sector will be the main driver for sustainable economic growth, and thereby increase the share of private sector in GDP.

Our services to the members relate to:

  • Education of Entrepreneurs
  • Promotion of Entrepreneurship
  • Lobbying and personal contacts with power holders of BPK Gorazde
  • Work on reducing the overall burden of taxes and contributions
  • Allowing members to participate in negotiations with trade unions in the drafting and signing of branch collective agreements
  • Informing members about the work of the Association, and on the achieved results
  • Mediation in commercial transactions between our members and international entrepreneurs
  • Free legal aid
  • Enabling members to individually or jointly perform at fairs or similar events in the country and abroad
  • Aiding or mediation in the settlement of disputes between members of the Employers Association and the bodies of BPK Government
  • Organizing round tables on key facilities in the BPK Gorazde and BiH

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