Udruženje poslodavaca BPK Goražde
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  • Presentation and representation of members' interests in relations with the unions and the government;
  • Realization of influence on the improvement and development of business and macroeconomic environment;
  • Providing technical assistance and support to members in different fields and sectors, (taxes, legal issues and social policy);
  • Improving the competitiveness of enterprises to match the domestic and foreign markets;
  • Cooperation with the same or related domestic as well as foreign and international associations and institutions, as well as achievements of other interests of employers in the fields of economic, tax and employment policies;
  • To protect and encourage legitimate interests of the economy, to inform the public and competent authorities in the canton about the needs and interests of the members that have emerged in practice, take the necessary steps to eliminate possible actions,  administrative measures and adoption of regulations that could be contrary to the interests of members of the association;
  • To submit the necessary legal, social and administrative measures to strengthen, maintain and systematically develop the economy;
  • To support the efficiency of the economy, export initiatives and activities to improve the standards and quality of work and life;
  • Providing advice on economic issues to the competent authorities, as well as members of the association on its own initiative or upon request;
  • To monitor and organize professional education;
  • To develop and expand special knowledge, to support the significant economic and scientific papers, insisting (in pracitce) on the application of the implementation of technical inventions and innovations;
  • Keeping close contact with other professional associations from home and abroad and with persons responsible for the representation of different economic interests by taking joint actions in issues of general interest, or of those who have particular interest for the economy and the interests of the members;
  • Keeping track of all the facts concerning the economic life of the country to discuss about them in a timely manner and take a stand against them;
  • To be in touch as much as possible with similar organizations from abroad by exchanging information and other means;
  • To gather and coordinate statistics and the necessary documentation to be able to inform the competent authorities and the public about the legal situation in the economy;
  • To form information database in one center, which will be available to all members of the association;
  • To initiate the adoption of laws and normative acts;
  • To organize counseling, preparation of marketing studies, expertise and training of managerial staff;
  • For members of the association to organizes access to the media, the release of their publications, in this way promoting the interests of members of the association and
  • To constantly takie actions to support the development of technical and economic education as well as to provide direct cooperation between education and the economy, including higher education institutions and universities.

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